Saturday, July 28, 2007


Strange dreams lately. First I dreamt there was a fox in our garage. Then I dreamt I was dating Lauren Jackson, but she had shrunk to my size so it wasn't awkward. We kept trying to find the Furtado center. That was last night.

The night before I dreamt about equally weird things, although I can no longer remember them. It had something to do with Karrie and being lost somewhere.

I seem to always be searching for something in my dreams lately. And then they go into the repeating pattern, or patren as Tim used to say. I hate when they develop into those loop dreams.

Something must be bothering me, I suspect ...although I don't know what it is. Perhaps I'm worried about our impending cross-country trip.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

I am tired of the rain. It has rained here for 5 days str8. This is not November. This is not March. It's supposed to rain here from November through March. This is July. The weather is fucked.

Perhaps if I use this blog to bitch and complain, I won't bitch and complain in real life. It's worth a shot.

Blog #2

I had a blog here, but it has disappeared. Now I have this one. I hope it doesn't disappear. Apparently I was not talkative enough.

I am tired of the pain this year. Kidney pain, stent pain, bladder pain, knee pain and now toothpain. Pain sucks.